
Wednesday, 7 November 2012

MTX week 5, Bloods and more confusion!

Hi Everyone

So after my confusion yesterday about my prescription for MTX, I emailed my GP and requested more MTX and folic acid urgently as I needed to take the MTX this morning. I received a reply saying that it would be ready after 5.30pm, so it was going to be a rush to get the prescription and get to a pharmacy before they shut at 6, but at least I would have my meds on time.

I managed to get to the pharmacy at 5:45, but when I got there the pharmacist told me that my GP had only prescribed 3 pills a week for the next two weeks instead of a 6 a week for a month. They rang my GP (not my usual GP who is on holiday) and he said that he had on my notes that I was to start on 3 a week for two weeks and then progress to 6 two weeks later, which was right, a month ago! My GP was on his way out to a house visit so he said to give me what he has prescribed for now and ring him again in the morning. So basically there was a mis-communication between the hospital and my GP surgery about what stage I was at.

This morning I decided to go with my gut and take all 6 pills, because I knew I was right and I wouldn't be able to speak to my GP before I needed to take them. I rang my GP and asked for him to ring me back, and then headed out to the path lab for my second blood test.

My second visit was the complete polar opposite to my first in every way. Firstly I was the only one there until about 8.55am, secondly I only had to wait for about 15 minutes once I was in the waiting room and thirdly it hurt way more than the first time! I dont usually find blood tests painful, but when I looked at my arm afterwards, I have a large scratch up my arm where the nurse had inserted the needle. Even so I was pretty happy to be in and out much quicker this week.

When I arrived and collected my queue card, I was "patient 8" this week, despite being the only one there! Apparently people go the night before and get a card to save queueing in the morning. Only patient 1 & 2 turned up while I was there though, so I got seen to third. Much better than 14th last time!

My GP then rang me back, and after I explained the situation he said he would do a new prescription for a months worth of MTX, with 6 pills a week. He was actually very nice and said that he didn't want to make a rash decision late at night with such strong drugs, which I completely understand. So it is all sorted now hopefully!

In terms of the MTX side effects, once again my head feels a bit fuzzy and I feel exhausted, but nothing too horrible.

After a stressful few days I'm looking forward to a hot bath and early night tonight!

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